My Body.My Goals.My Way

Mbody fitness

Here at mBody Fitness, we understand that everyone has unique goals, limitations, and backgrounds that all come together to create your own unique body. We use state-of-the-art technology to measure and customize your workout and nutrition plan so that you can achieve your goals while still living your life. 

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Join Our Community

MBody Fitness was created to be a safe space that provides accountability, gives you purpose and creates realistic fitness plans that fit into your life. Come and be a part of a community that welcomes and supports you no matter your goals, limitations, fitness level, or background. 

why mbody fitness


Group Training

Why do it alone? Join a group of people who challenge and inspire you.   

Let the enthusiasm and energy of the group motivate and fuel you through to the end of every workout. 


If 2020 proved anything, it’s that our need for connection and community is as fundamental as our need for proper nutrition and exercise! 

Come and be a part of a community that welcomes and supports you no matter your goals, limitations, fitness level, or background.  

MBody Analysis

Here at MBody Fitness, we understand that everyone has their own unique body, goals, and limitations.

We combine two different state-of-the-art technologies that measure and customize your workout and nutrition plan to MPower you for success. 


What you eat matters more than how you work out.   

Our MBody nutrition plan combines your personal metabolic rate with your individual body composition, dietary restrictions, and individual goals. 




Gym H0urs

Monday-Friday: 5am – 7pm

Saturday: 7am-12pm

Sunday: Rest Day